Tuesday, July 26


As Nic and I prepare for our big trip, we've finally got around to setting up this blog. Provided I can better all previous attempts to keep a travel diary, we will try to keep this updated with a few bits and pieces from our travels.

For anyone we haven't told, we have left our jobs in Melbourne and head to Chile this Friday, for what will be the first day of 7 months traveling through the Americas. Other than a flight out of New York in March next year, my cousin's stag night in Buenos Aires and wedding in Rio, the rest of the route is work in progress.

To start, here are a few pictures taken from our brief visit to NZ before we fly out.

Ollie and Toby (my nephews) riding the junkyard rhino at Children's Bay, Akaroa.

Obligatory engineering/chch earthquake shot. God gets a helping hand from a couple of shipping containers and some hay bales at the Catholic Cathedral.

Nic's parents new house on the farm in Hawke's Bay. I'm told the tennis court should be completed around March next year.

That's all for the moment. Next post from the ski fields of Chile!