Monday, November 14

Ilha Grande, Paraty & Trancoso

Looking back towards Abraao, Ilha Grande

After the wedding we head south of Rio to Ilha Grande and Paraty led by our legendary Brazilian guide, Lu. For the next two weeks we ride on the coattails of her friends and family’s generosity. 

Mostly photos from here on…

Godfather duties. It was hot and steep. 
Old aqueduct on Ilha Grande

Sofia and Tiago out for lunch

Champagne V

The walk to Lopes Mendes beach

Kids at the back with skipper and mate up front. A rare moment when they weren't tending the bbq or bar.
A big thanks to the crew who delivered up a banquet of chorizo, steak and chicken hearts - the perfect hangover cure - followed by samba lessons for all.

Another beautiful island for lunch, samba and snorkeling with turtles

How it should be done
If all else fails, smile
We get dropped off at Paraty and spend a few days exploring the old colonial town and the surrounding islands. Lu continues to spoil us...

Paraty old town
Sofia amusing herself while Lupo di Mare waits in the bay for us to finish a liquid lunch

Brazilian lunch blurs into evening at Sergio's place

View Island life at Sergio's in a larger map

Floundering for somewhere to eat without Lu to direct. A disastrously funny last meal out.
After 4 days in Paraty we sadly say goodbye to most of my family. It resembled National Lampoon's Vacation at times but was a special and memorable holiday.

So from here we headed 2hrs north by plane to Trancoso. Lu had taken my brother to Trancoso a few years ago and the place had been built up to mythical proportions. Expectations were riding high but even tropical rain couldn't dampen the experience.

Everything Jetstar will never be

Macaw at Praia do Espelho, Bahia

Praia do Espelho
Trancoso is (quoting from the LP): Sitting atop a grassy bluff overlooking fantastic beaches, this tiny rustic village has a relaxed air with a pretty assortment of guesthouses. It’s known for its wide, grassy and, most importantly, car-free quadrado (square). This central plaza has a grazing horse or two and football-playing lads and a small church at one end. Surrounding it are tropical foliage and colorful buildings, which house expensive boutiques and open-air bars and restaurants. The sight of the quadrate at night is magical.

5 days here fly past.

Nic's favourite houses in Trancoso
An afternoon spent lounging and being waited on hand and foot

Trancoso by night
Leaving Trancoso we say goodbye to Luke, Lu, Sofia and Tiago and we're back to just the two of us. Muchas gracias to Lu and all her friends we called favours on. It will be a big effort for NZ to match this when we return the hospitalities.

Slowly catching up. Back in the present, we're still in Bolivia (survived death road) and heading out to the jungle tomorrow morning. Back in 5 days to close out Brazil.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on surviving! Hope it was awesome.

    After seeing those pics of you and the private plane, this will be the last time we communicate.
